Tuesday, March 18, 2008

All about Jake

We have Mike's son Jake for Easter and I decided to take us to Sparwood for this "Swim to Survive" event they had going on. The brochure outlined the event -- treading water for a set time, swimming 50m, etc. Upon completion, kids would receive a certificate and a tattoo. The only thing was when we got there, Jake was the only 13 year old amidst a sea of 5-9 year olds!! AAARRGGHHH!! Poor Jake --we could see his pure discomfort as he emerged from the change room with a grimace on his face. He sat in the hot tub - defeated- for a bit, then came over to talk to us. I felt so bad for him and said we can get out of here. I didn't want him to feel like we had to stay just because -- Just then the lifeguard came up and rallied Jake's spirits a little to go "test his upper body strength" on the swinging rope. He gamely walked over, taking his place at the back of a long line of kidlets. He was easily a body length taller than anyone there and you could just feel the social discomfiture oozing out of him. Poor Jake!! :) :) After he did his swing, he came over again, and I said "Let's blow this popsicle stand!" We had a good laugh about it on the way home!

I should mention that Jake is a budding triathlete -- he did Wasa last year and he had so much fun!!!! The kids race is held the day before the adults -- they get to run through the same finishing chute. If you ever get a chance to watch a kids tri race before your race - do it!!! Firstly, it takes the race pressure off you as you enjoy the true meaning of sport through a kid's eye. Secondly, it is a BLAST!! OMG -- they tied all these milk jugs together and strung them parallel to the shore for the various swim lengths. Kids were encouraged to swim the whole way and not walk in the shallow water. The first heat were kids as young as 4 years old!! They were so cute. The announcer was making comments like "Oh,the pink swimsuit has just pulled away from the pack." Then you see all these little tykes running to their tricycles. My favourite was this little four year old in speedos. He unzipped his shirt as he was coming through the finish line, and the announcer said, "Oh you can tell its pretty hot out there." HAHAHAHAHA!! He was the same little guy that when we were all clapping for him as he entered the finishing chute, he stopped and in a puzzled sort of way started waving back. It was so cute!!

Jake had an absolute blast that day. We were so proud of him -- he is not much of a swimmer but he swam the whole way -- despite the fact that other kids starting water-walking faster than he was swimming! AND he is going to Wasa again this year too!! YAY JAKE!!!

Today was big bike day -- 2 hours with main set of 8 x 7 min. @ 150-160W/ 3min. @ 100-110W. That tuckered me right out so that is all I did!! Time to watch some movies with Jake!! :) :) :)


Jenna said...

Poor Jake but lucky Jake that you didn't make him suffer it out!! I LOVE watching my kids race - they do the kids of steel...the day they did that race they changed. They are more confident and more proud than ever becuase of the sport of triathlon. They keep asking me when the tri training starts again this year :)

Kelly B. said...

Feel for Jake! I was so anxious to get my guy into something when he was little, I put him in soccer. He was the youngest there by about a year!! They had a little tournament one weekend and he lined up for the start of the first game and the other kid across from him (older and bigger) growled at him! Matthew started to cry and we have not been back to soccer!!

kelsey said...

I love the junior tri suits! They are so adorable, I bought my nieces bike jersey's to Christmas!

When I did my first sprint the KOS event was at the same time. The kids started just as I was starting my bike and I remember this little guy couldn't be older then 10, just zipping past me on the run!

Julie said...

Hey qt-- where can you buy kids tri clothing or bike jerseys?

Keith said...

Did I ever say how cool it is to say you trained at a particular watt setting? Sounds so pro.

Julie said...

hahaha! I'll tell you when I feel pro-- when I do a flip turn!

Cath said...

Poor ol' Jake - I can just imagine! I can't wait to see your flip turn girl - the pool here is closed today and Monday, but other than that the pool is waiting for you to show off!