Happy New Year everyone!
I've been busy running 5 days a week and building. Lovin' it.
Swimming lots too! I've even managed to bribe my Mom to come to the pool with me and video me underwater. This was awesome and so helpful having her there, I could make an alteration in my stroke, then watch it, then do it all over again.
I took my Momma out for tea and cinnamon buns afterwards -- I drank a nice big black coffee.
My Mom is pretty terrified of water too, so it was a big deal for her to get into the water and do this. She is the best! :) :)
I met with Coach Sara a few weeks ago when she was in Calgary and had some more "aha!" moments in regards to swimming. I think the thing I was most excited about was seeing that how I was swimming on film was exactly what I thought I was doing.
Got that?
For those of you who have ever been filmed whilst swimming, you will appreciate this. Usually there is this HUGE disconnect between what you THINK you are doing, and what you are ACTUALLY doing.
I also asked Coach Sara to literally move my arms to show me how I should be doing my catch. We got into the hot tub where there was a double-sided handrail, and I lay on top of it while she positioned my arms. LOL!!! But I understood finally!!! YAY!! (Now, it is all about putting it into practice.)
Then, we got out of the hot tub and I jumped in the pool and she videoed me again and again. The pool was pretty chilly if you were just standing around, so we would go back to the hot tub and review the footage.
Holy crap, you can imagine after 3-4 times of getting in and out of the hot tub and into the cold pool, I was SPENT. Hahahahahaah!!
And, I am so grateful for the time Coach Sara spent with me! I am so lucky to have such an awesome coach! :) :)
Very excited about racing in 2012!!! There is an early IM race on the horizon for me....and another mini-epic road trip for me and my Dad to take to get there. (Mini-epic is anything less than 5000km...lol)
Let's see what else.....oh yeah, I bought these neato training paddles that force you to do the catch in swimming. Coach Sara didn't personally like them, but they have been working for me. I have one day a week that is my "Pool Play Time." So dubbed by moi. I don my swimming snorkel and new paddles and focus on feeling the catch, good form, etc. I look like a total dork, but everyone in Pincher Creek is used to me by now. :D
I have to say that swimming backstroke with those paddles, and swimming backstroke in general has been a key element is helping me "feel the water."
All for now! :) :)