Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Addicted to Wii!!!!

For a long time, Mike has had a secret somehow get me excited about a video game/computer game. Nothing has worked. I don't like computer games. I don't like Star Wars, Age of Civilization, World of Warcraft, Battleships (oops, I mean Battlefield), or the latest, Conan. I hear him talking to his online buddies about "leveling up," and getting a green gem or whatever, and I just shake my head. I had my fling with video games back in the day of Atari and my Mom was the pinball queen.

Well, all that changed a couple of days ago when Mike set up the new Wii system. It was so much fun! I was initially skeptical but played along when Mike asked me to box with him. The first round, was sort of a learning match, and then the next round I KO'd him!! AND the next one! Hee-hee! That was it, I was hooked, and on fire! We proceeded to play bowling, tennis (I can't hit the ball if my life depended on it), golf, and baseball.

There are training options within each sport that enables you to work out by yourself -- these are my favourites. For example, there is one boxing option where you see how many bags you can knock off the chain in a minute. FRIG!! It was so awesome -- I was punching the air like a maniac and panting up a astorm. I punched that bag until my arms nearly fell off --- and then I had to do it again!! Hahahaha!!

I made my Mom come over the other night so she could try it out. She was sooooo reluctant to come over, because her interest in computer games is even less than mine. Well 3.5 HOURS later we were still bowling and laughing our heads off. We were so loud that Mike had to take his headset off while he was playing Conan to ask us to quiet down. Of course, you can guess how well that went over. We upped the catcalling, and booing, and cheering. Poor Mike! Hee-hee!!

Yesterday, my Dad came over and played a round of golf and a game of bowling. Later that afternoon, he went to Wally's world and bought a Wii for him and my Mom!! HAhahahahahaha!!

Onto triathlon news....

Went on another mountain bike ride followed by come core work afterward. This was before Kelly sent me her awesome new routine, so I just did my usual thing. I BARELY managed 3 sets of 8 push ups -- and Oh My GOD!! The push ups coupled with me boxing at the Wii has left my arms and back really, really sore! :) :)

Yesterday I went for a 30 minute swim. I still feel pretty heavy and sluggish in the water (and it is so not because of the Mccain cake!!) But things are coming along. I know that for me, this time of year is the worst. Any physical activity feels so intense and difficult. Like I've never worked out a day in my life. I know it takes about a month to pass...

In the spirit of Jenna, Kelsey, and now Susi, I decided to finally update my blog. :) :):)

And, by the way, Jenna -- when I finally come up to see you, I'm bringing a cake for each of us... THAT'S how I go dutch!! LOL!!!!!


Jenna said...

ha!!! sounds good!!! i have two forks:)

Cath said...

Oh no, you've joined the Wii club. A lot of our friends here have it and rave about it! Like you I've never been into them - and now I'm scared to try as I may get addicted too!


Julie said...

Oh Cath -- look out! It is so much fun! Hee-hee!!

Keith said...

Oops. Sigh. There goes another promising Ironman career....

kelsey said...

mmm cake. I'm coming too!

I need to stay far away from the wii otherwise I will not graduate!

Susi said...

okay, that's it. obviously i'm going to have to go there earlier than planned to stage a wii intervention!! sigh....

Julie said...

Hahahahahaha!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Jenna said...

i think i am going to get Wii for my kids at Christmas - I see a Rock Band revolution coming on:) Gotta do something to work off the fricking Mcains!!

Charlie Browne said...

so is there a wii learn to swim game/video?